Translation General Terms and Conditions

Translation General Terms and Conditions

professional, fast & inexpensive

You require a certified translation of your General Terms and Conditions? Our legal translators take care of the professional translation of your General Terms and Conditions from the foreign language into or from German into the desired language, and if requested they also provide a certified translation. For the translation of your GTC we work together with a legal translator and native speaker of the desired target language. Should you require a certified translation we will employ a sworn translator.

Send us your request via e-mail or via our enquiry form and we will shortly be in touch with a non-binding quote. This service is free of charge for you.

We also translate for you the following legal texts:

- Purchase contract
- Extract from commercial register
- Company agreement
- Real estate contract
- Rental agreement
- Employment contract


Our language portfolio includes among others: English, French, Dutch, Arabic, Persian, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Serbian into German and vice versa. For a detailed overview please see here. You miss your language? No problem! Send us your enquiry. We’ve got a suitable sworn translator for your language combination.

You require an extra fast translation? Please use our Express Service.

Enquiry form

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