Automotive industry

Automotive industry

Professional translations by specialist translators

You require the translation of a text from the field of automotive industry? We translate your documents from German into any language and from any language into German. Send us your enquiry. Simply use our enquiry form or send an email to

We translate for you among others:

- User manuals - Operating instructions
- Safety instructions - Specification sheets
- Maintenance instructions - Training material
- Presentations - Sales documents

The automotive industry ranks among the most important and largest industries in Germany and still is a growing market. Due to the internationality of the automotive industry a large number of translations is required. The documents to be translated are manufacturers’ and suppliers’ documents on the one hand, and product descriptions, instructions and all types of marketing material on the other. In this context it is important that the translator is a native speaker of the target language but also that he has professional competence and is familiar with the industry. Your project manager of Webalingua carefully selects the suitable translator for your translation. He pays attention not only to training and professional experience of the translator but also that he has specialised in the subject area of the text.

Terminology and quality management

Webalingua translators use the latest software and a CAT tool that allows saving translated segments in order to use them again for further translations. This guarantees consistent and time-efficient translations and bears considerable cost savings for you. It also guarantees that always the same and correct terminology is used for all your translations and that your texts are consistent in the foreign language as well.

We would be glad to take care of your translation project as well! We exclusively work with translators who hold a degree in translation and translate into their native language. Furthermore, they have specialised in the required subject areas. This guarantees the high quality of the services we provide.

Enquiry form

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